This toolkit is a helpful tool for institutions to foster intercultural learning and understanding among students especially in vocational schools and to deal with conflicts constructively.

This manual is an outcome of the training course “Plus up your projects! – Train your team on Inclusion & Diversity”, a Training Course organised by Grenzenlos  – Intercultural Exchanges and part of the Access 4 All working Group of the Alliance of European Voluntary  Service Organisations.

HOTSPOTS – Connecting European Suburbs through Smart Youth Work is a KA2 strategic partnership project coordinated by Lunaria and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It aims to develop tools and methodologies for non-formal education, with a new pedagogical approach, to improve intercultural learning among young people, both online and offline and specifically in national and transnational youth participation activities, within the E+ programme. The project led to the realisation of several Project Results, including “PR1-Toolkit for diagnostic and tools sharing” and “PR2-Handbook for a smart youth work”.

Logo of EU "funded by the European Union", Cazalla, Lunaria, Ljunljana Pride, Grenzenlos