What is certification?

Model developed by Simona Muršec, Ljubljana Pride Association, within the framework of the Strategic Partnership “Inclusive Organisations – 2022-1-AT01-KA220-YOU-000090121”

The Certification Scheme is a multi-level comprehensive training and empowerment process of organisational strategic development for any organisation or its section(s) to become (more) inclusive for (young) people from marginalised groups1. Its content is based on the “Inclusive Organisations – Manual for organisational development” issued by Ljubljana Pride Association in English lčanguage in 2020 and in Slovene adaptation in 2021.

1 (young) people from marginalised groups: see definition on pg. 7-8 in the “Inclusive Organisations – Manual for organisational development”

Is a 1-year organisational development process with the focus on starting the work for a (more) inclusive organisation for (young) people from marginalised groups.

Any organisation can enter this process, it can decide to cover only specific or partial aspect(s) of inclusion of (young) people from marginalised groups and it can decide to keep the process limited to only a few people / sections / departments within the organisation.

Is a 2-year organisational development process with the focus on advancing and further developing the work for a (more) inclusive organisation for (young) people from marginalised groups for those organisations who already are working within the area of inclusion of marginalised (young) people.

Any organisation that has successfully completed Level 1 or that has a proven track-record of working within the area of inclusion of marginalised (young) people can enter this process.

Level 2 requires the organisation to undergo a holistic strategic development and training. It is required to cover all aspect(s) of inclusion of (young) people from marginalised groups and it must involve all segments of the organisation from participants, members, volunteers, staff and the management.

Level 2 follows the same 5 steps like Level 1, however each step is carefully planned and implemented in a way that the whole of the organisation is involved. For example if in Level 1 the participating organisation decides it will participate only with one department, now in Level 2 all department and all sections of the organisation must be involved. If in Level 1 they decided that the A-B-C training modules will be attended only by a few staff members, now in Level 2 all staff members need to undergo the training …

At the end the participating organisation receives the Level 2 Certificate if it can prove that they are inclusive of margunalised (young) people in all 8 areas of organisational functioning as described in the Self-assessment tools of the “Inclusive Organisations – Manual for organisational development” – Chapter 3.

Is a 1-year organisational strategy development process that ensures that the principles and values of antidiscrimination and inclusion of (young) people from marginalised groups are embedded in all levels of the oranisation from its core documents, to its programmes, the budget, recruitment and staff composition, to projects and activities, as well as volunteers and participants they manage to involve.

This process is tailored completely to the individual participating organisation and supports the organisation to apply “an inclusion lens” to its existing organisational strategy or helps the organisation develop for the first time their organisational strategy that showcases the inclusion practices on all levels or the organisation.

The organisation receives the Level 3 certificate if they completed successfully Level 2 and can showcase an inclusive organisational strategy and its action plan or other forms of implementation of the strategy in the daily functioning of the organisation.

Logo of EU "funded by the European Union", Cazalla, Lunaria, Ljunljana Pride, Grenzenlos