
Therefore, a self assessment tool has been developed. It should help you to understand what you have already established and where you can still improve and develop. 

If you can’t wait until the process starts, here’s a little taster with a quick online self-assessment.

Note: The questions refer to marginalised groups. This term refers to a group of people who are not part of the mainstream and affected by different systematic discrimination mechanisms. We have concentrated on eight groups: LGBTIQ+ youth, girls and young women, young Romanì and Travellers, Young people of colour, ethnic and religious minorities, young Muslims, young migrants, young people with disabilities as well as Youth at risk of poverty and social exclusion,

If you want to learn more, read about the inclusive organisations principles on our website. 

The information about the self assessment tool can be found in the description of the project here.

Our suggestion is to start a guided process with a trainer of our project consortium to support

online self assessment tool

online self assessment tool

This is a short self assessment tool for organisations, who want to know how inclusive their working environment, activities and organisation is

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Does your organisation have approaches to educating staff and volunteers on inclusion, non-discrimination and the needs of marginalised groups?
Has your organisation defined clear principles of inclusion and non-discrimination, that are communicated to staff and volunteers?
Are the values of inclusion and non-discrimination clearly articulated in the organisation’s formal documents, such as statutes or founding acts?
Do you have non-discrimination policies that include clear instructions on how to react in case of violations of the policy?
Is ensuring accessibility integrated into your strategic planning processes?
Is ensuring accessibility integrated into your organisation’s everyday work?
Does your organisation have a strategic approach in place to ensure diversity among staff?
Does your organisation have a strategic approach in place to ensure diversity among participants/beneficiaries?
Do you have functional measures that ensure diversity and non-discrimination in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of activities?
Are members of marginalised groups included in the preparation, implementation, and evaluation of your activities?
Have resources (time, money, personal, ..) been made available to people of marginalised groups to include them in your activities?
Are the venues of your activities accessible (gender neutral toilets, ramps…)?
Does your organisation have a network of partners working with different types of inclusion?
Is your organisation present in the activities of partner organisations working with marginalised groups or self representational organisations?
Does your association have tools (counting the number of projects, participants, team members…) to evaluate the indicators and strategies of inclusion?
Does your organisation take into consideration the inclusivity of marginalised groups in the evaluation of your activities/projects?

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Logo of EU "funded by the European Union", Cazalla, Lunaria, Ljunljana Pride, Grenzenlos